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Fall for Floating




Fall is a great time to stop and reflect.   The trees look beautiful as they change colors.  They prepare to let their leaves go in anticipation of a new season.
However, with the constant barrage of information coming in whether it be ‘Breaking News’ or COVID-19 infections, or keeping up with your child’s online learning…
…it’s often difficult to recognize how much we are letting our thoughts control us.
Or maybe you have tried meditation, only to find out how very difficult it is to quiet your world and remain comfortable.
A float room is a perfect place to disconnect from the distractions and allow our body and mind to heal and reflect.
Spending time in a float room is an amazing tool that allows you to step away from your ego-mind and become an observer of your thoughts.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
As an observer, we are free to choose the thoughts that serve us best.
Ancient wisdom has always known that knowledge can be found in silence and stillness.